It’s time to “Spring Forward” to a Beautiful Lawn
Spring is here. Many people, including us, are looking forward to getting outside and sprucing up the yard. We have some information and tips that will have you on your way to a healthy green lawn.
Soil Testing
Along with water and sunlight, your grass needs soil that supplies the required nutrients for healthy plant growth. Your lawn will only be as good as your soil. A soil test is the only way you will know the nutrient status and pH level of your soil. Lab results provide recommendations for fertilizer, lime and other nutrients, if needed, to create the perfect environment for your lawn to thrive.
Fertilizer with Pre-emergent Crabgrass Preventer
One of the most important parts of spring maintenance is applying a fertilizer with crabgrass preventer. You will be giving your lawn needed nutrients while helping to control the germination of crabgrass seeds. Crabgrass is an annual warm-season weed. It germinates, grows, drops seeds, and dies all in one year. Each plant produces up to 150,000 seeds before it dies.
A pre-emergent targets the seeds before they germinate and grow roots. Timing is key. Crabgrass seeds can germinate from early spring until summer. Two applications are usually necessary. If the seeds do germinate you will need to use a post emergent weed killer to kill the crabgrass plants.
Spring Yard Clean Up
Now is a great time to Spring Clean your yard. Clear away debris, fallen leaves and branches. Check tree and shrubs for damage and prune broken and dead branches. Grass Roots has already begun doing spring clean ups and lime applications. Soon we will begin our Turf Care Program applications. Please contact us with any questions or if we can help you with your lawn care.
Happy Spring!